Pretty Bird, Pretty Bird, Where’s She Goes No One Knows
If backing our KickStarter project on the internets just ain’t yer style, get out of the house and come on down to KINGS Barcade for a night of Chicken Shit Bingo and cold, cold beer this…

Pretty Bird, Pretty Bird, Where’s She Goes No One Knows

If backing our KickStarter project on the internets just ain’t yer style, get out of the house and come on down to KINGS Barcade for a night of Chicken Shit Bingo and cold, cold beer this Monday, July 16th. We’ll have right pretty birds, plenty of prizes and some long, but often, odds. You’ll get to shout about seeing some tail feathers shake and support The Farmer Veteran Project .

As a point of clarification, Chicken Shit Bingo works more like a game of roulette. Players cheer on a beautiful hen until she stops on a numbered square and makes someone a lucky winner with a shake of her tail feathers. Squares will cost anywhere from $2 - $5 cash per game. The center square just happens to be a Duke Blue Devil (thanks to the beer ponging frat brothers across the street) and it costs four times as much to play there. But you’ll also win four times as much, so bet on Duke if you dare. Winners are given prizes and the option to donate half of their take to Vittles, which receives fiscal sponsorship from The Southern Documentary Fund, a registered 501 (c)(3). Mr. Blake Hartman will be providing some banjo music in between games. 

Chicken Shit Bingo | July 16th | KINGS Barcade, Raleigh, N.C. | 7:30-10 PM

Free Admission (bingo squares are cash-only) | Facebook Event PageMap

